The Deli during the opening on Sat 5th of Oct 2024

From Saturday, Oktober 5th - Friday, Oktober 11th 2024 I showed my photoworks during my exhibition „transfromativ“ in the Funky Deli in Düsseldorf.
Main focus lay on my „bauformen“ series and its spinn-off „das netz“.
Both series contain multiple-exposure photographs, that deal with the wider topic of transformation and change.
"flow" 2023 32x45cm laser print on 300g fotopaper
taken from the series "das netz"
The Spin-Off „das netz“
Networks grow and change their shape constantly. On my prints they appear like neuronal veins of a larger organism. I like the contrast of technomorph structures vs biomorph structures. Technomorph means forms and structures, shaped by humans for technological purposes.
Biomorph translates as: shaped and characterized by natural forces of life.
I like the contrast of straight lines from buildings in urban environments and the organic, intertwined and crooked forms of nature.
The multiple exposures create multi-layered images. Viewing them remains lively, because it will take longer to see everything at once.
"stream" 2023 32x45cm laser print on 300g foto paper
taken from the series "das netz"
"maman anstract red" 2023 32x45cm laser print on 300g foto paper
taken from the series "das netz"
Within the series "das netz" are also the pictures of "Maman" from Bilbao. The sculpture of Louise Bourgeois was great for my intentions, because here we can see an oversized spider in public space. The legs are incredibly fascinating! The multiple exposures are coarser and more generous here. The free spaces at "Maman" create graphic photographs that can be wonderfully developed in color.

Holger Brandt from "Flugboot" performing during the finissage Octobre 11th 2024

"prey" 2023 32x45cm laserprint on 300g foto paper
taken form the series "das netz"
"maman abstract pink" 2023 32x45cm laser print on 300g foto paper
taken from the series "das netz" 

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